- S基因片段 genetic
- 幽门螺杆菌对甲硝唑耐药相关基因片段的筛选及克隆分析 Screening for metronidazole-resistance associated gene fragments of Helicobacter pylori by suppression subtractive hybridization
- 片段 segment
- S基因 S gene
- S基因库 S-locus
- M基因片段 M gene segment
- 白血病部分未知基因片段与公共生物信息资源的比较与分析 Analysis of some leukemia unknown genes by comparison to public bioinformation resource
- TGEV-S基因 TGEV-S gene
- 樱桃品种S基因型及自交不亲和性分子机制研究进展 Studies on S Genotypes and Molecular Mechanism of Self-Incompatibility in Cherry
- 将两基因片段分别克隆入pMD-18T载体中,提取克隆质粒; The two fragment was fusioned and inserted into pMD-18T victor.
- 全S基因 Whole S protein
- S基因型 S-genotype
- 假肥大型肌营养不良症cDNA基因片段的表达及其抗血清制备 Expression of Duchenne muscular dystrophy cDNA fragment in E.coli and preparation of its antiserum
- S基因座 S-locus
- S基因定位 localization of S genes
- rDNA基因片段 16S rDNA gene frgement
- S基因变异 S- gene variant
- 前S/S基因 PreS/S gene
- 特异基因片段 unique gene fragments
- 前S基因缺失 Pre - S deletion