- 座 to sit
- S基因 S gene
- STR基因座 short tandem repeat loci
- S基因库 S-locus
- 白羊座 Aries
- 多基因座 polygenic locus
- S基因片段 genetic
- S5基因座 S5 locus
- TGEV-S基因 TGEV-S gene
- 樱桃品种S基因型及自交不亲和性分子机制研究进展 Studies on S Genotypes and Molecular Mechanism of Self-Incompatibility in Cherry
- 4个Y-STR基因座遗传多态性及分子克隆技术制备分型标准物 Genetic Polymorphism of 4 Y-STR Loci and the Construction of Standard Allelic Ladder by Technology of Molecular Cloning
- 全S基因 Whole S protein
- 中国南方汉族人群6个Y-STR基因座遗传多态性及法医学应用 Genetic Polymorphisms of 6 Y-Chromosome Specific STR Loci in the southern Chinese Han Population and Its Application in Forensic Science
- 前S/S基因 PreS/S gene
- 结构基因座 structural loci
- 硫氧还蛋白S基因 Thioredoxin S gene
- HLA-A基因座 HLA-A locus
- S基因A抗原位点 antigenic site A of S gene
- Y-STR基因座 Locus Y - STRs
- 乙型肝炎病毒表面抗原S基因在人5型重组腺病毒中的表达及其特性 Expression of hepatitis B virus S genes in Ad5 vector