- Multisim8.0软件平台 Multisim8.0 software platform
- Multisim7.0软件平台 multisim7.0 software platform
- 平台 terrace
- TRIP2.0软件 TRIP2.0 software
- ATS软件平台 ATS software platform
- 夫人1.0软件是个操作系统,它的创造者将它设计成可操纵一切! Wife 1.0 Is an OPERATING SYSTEM and is designed by its Creator to run EVERYTHING!
- 多软件平台 Multi - software platform
- W1NCE5.0软件 WINCE5.0
- 本文采用了SGI的Cosmo3D作为场景构造和管理的软件平台。 SGI Cosmo3D is applied as software platform responsible for the construction and management of scene graph.
- Eviews4.0软件 Eviews4.0
- watch软件平台 Watch platform
- FLUENT6.0软件 FLUENT6.0 software
- 通用软件平台 general software platform
- 南方CASS7.0软件 CASS software
- 基础软件平台 foundational software platform
- 结构方程模型采用SmallWater公司出品的AMOS4.0软件进行分析。 Structure equation model was analyzed by using AMOS4.0 produced by the company SmallWater.
- 专业软件平台 major software platform
- Multisim10.0软件 Multisim 10.0 software
- 多种软件平台 multi software platform
- 数据统计学处理采用 SPSS10 .0软件 One- Way ANOVA、S- N- K。 Data were analyzed by One-Way ANOVA,Student-Newman-Keuls with SPSS 10.0 software .