- 南方CASS7.0软件 CASS software
- CASS7.0 CASS7.0
- TRIP2.0软件 TRIP2.0 software
- 夫人1.0软件是个操作系统,它的创造者将它设计成可操纵一切! Wife 1.0 Is an OPERATING SYSTEM and is designed by its Creator to run EVERYTHING!
- 每年冬季大量的鸟类迁徙南方。 Large numbers of birds migrate south every winter.
- W1NCE5.0软件 WINCE5.0
- 从她的口音判断,她准是南方人。 Judging by her accent, she must be a Southerner.
- 农业区大部分集中在南方。 The farming area is centered largely in the south.
- 那位候选人在南方出人意料地大为得手。 The candidate made surprising inroads in the South.
- 我们委托一家广告公司替我们推销新软件。 We hired an advertising company to help us sell our new software.
- 零点二(0.2) nought decimal two
- 软件可能成为更大的障碍。 Software may turn out to be a bigger hurdle.
- 她讲话带着美国南方人慢吞吞的拉长调子的语气。 She speaks with a Southern drawl.
- 他们以20比0大败他们的敌手。 They whaled their rivals 20 to 0.
- 南方联盟军队 The Confederate Army.
- n字元素-软件 n-word element
- 数字十个阿拉伯数字符号从0到9中的任意一个 One of the ten Arabic number symbols, 0 through9.
- 美丽的住房和花园是南方的特征。 Beautiful homes and gardens are trademarks of the south.
- 两家跨国公司在开发新软件方面相互合作。 The two international companies are working in collaboration with each other in the development of new software.
- 罗马数字的0 Roman numeral for 0