- Mann-Whitney检验 Mann- Whitney test
- 修正Mann迭代 modified Mann iterations
- 在今天的棒球赛中打败了对手Horace Mann队。 beat its rival Horace Mann in baseball today ...
- 2-距离空间中几个不动点定理与Mann型迭代法 Several Fixed Point Theorems in 2-Metric Space and Mann Type Iteration
- Whitney族 Whitney's families
- 单因素分析采用Mann-Whitney U检验,而多因素分析则应用Logistic回归的方法。 Mann-Whitney U test was used in univariate analyses whereas logistic regression was used in multivariate analyses.
- Whitney临界集 Whitney critical set
- 让我们来检验一下他的理论。 Let us put his theories to the proof.
- Whitney延拓定理 Whitney continuation theorem
- Whitney-Riley模型 Whitney-Riley model
- 这矿石经检验证明含金量高。 This ore assays high in gold.
- Mann-Whitney检测器 Mann-Whitney detector
- 如果检验和复验的结果有出入该怎么办呢? What if the results from the inspection and the reinspection do not coincide with each other?
- Whitney集与图递归弧 Whitney Sets and Graph-Directed Arcs
- 必须检验的 to have to be probated
- Mann-Whitney-Pittitt Mann-Whitney-Pittitt
- 凭证检验 Inspection of voucher
- Stiefel-Whitney示性类 Stiefel-Whitney class
- 检验自己的力量 to assay one's strength
- 自相似曲线与Whitney型临界集 Self-Similar Curves and Whitney Sets