- 修正Mann迭代 modified Mann iterations
- 具误差的修正Mann迭代 modified Mann iteration with error
- 2-距离空间中几个不动点定理与Mann型迭代法 Several Fixed Point Theorems in 2-Metric Space and Mann Type Iteration
- 修正的具误差的Mann迭代和多步Noor迭代 modified Mann and multi - step Noor iterations with errors
- 迭代 iteration
- 修正迭代法 modified iteration method
- 本文首先在一致凸 Banach空间中对非扩张映射讨论了带误差的 Mann迭代过程的一些特性 . 然后将 Reich的相应定理推广到带误差的 Mann迭代过程 . In this paper,we establish the Mann iteration process with errors for nonexpansive mapping in uniformly convex Banach space,and generalize corresponding results of Reich to the Mann iteration process with errors.
- 连续迭代 subsequent iteration
- 迭代参数 iterative parameter
- 迭代域 iteration domain
- 迭代最小平方 iterative least squares
- 对分迭代 bisection iterative method
- 共轭迭代 conjugate gradient
- 迭代接收 iterative receiver
- 增量迭代 increment iterative
- 迭代增量 incremental iteration
- 迭代向量 initial vector construction
- 向量迭代 iterate vector
- 迭代关系 iteration relation
- 迭代域值 iterative arithmetic