- Krylov子空间迭代算法 krylov subspace iterative method
- 通过引入Krylov子空间迭代算法来求解矩阵方程,并使用快速多极子算法来加速计算矩阵向量积,可以使算法的空间和时间复杂度降为O(N1.5). By applying Krylov subspace iterative method to solving the matrix equation and Fast Multiple Method to matrix-vector multiplication acceleration,the space and time complexity of the method is reduced to be O(N1.5) as a result.
- 实验数值表明 :文中方法优于传统的、直接应用到原线性方程组的BICG、CGS、BICGSTAB、GMRES及QMR等Krylov子空间迭代法。 The results show that the method used in the paper is better than the traditional Krylov subspace methods including BICG, CGS, BICGSTAB, GMRES and QMR.
- Krylov子空间迭代法 Krylov subspace iteration method
- 子 midnight
- Krylov子空间 Krylov subspace
- 柔性迭代算法 flexible iterative algorithm
- Krylov子空间法 Krylov subspace methods
- 基于电路模型与最优迭代算法的单相电路谐波电流实时检测新方法 A Novel Harmonic Current Real-Time Detection Method of Single-Phase Circuit Based on Circuit Model and Optimal Iterative Algorithm
- Krylov子空间方法 Krylov method
- 预测修正迭代算法 predictor-corrector iterative algorithm
- 二阶Krylov子空间 Second - order Krylov subspace
- 消息传递并行迭代算法 message passing parallel iterative algorithm
- 应用Krylov子空间方法求解边界元方程组 Solutions of BEM Equations with Krylov Subspace Method
- 迭代检测算法 iterative detectors
- n维子空间 n-dimensional subspace
- CF迭代算法 coupled feedback iterative algorithm
- Krylov-子空间 Krylov subspaee
- 迭代形态学算法 herative morphology operation
- 下降迭代算法 descent iterative algorithm