- CF迭代算法 coupled feedback iterative algorithm
- 柔性迭代算法 flexible iterative algorithm
- 基于电路模型与最优迭代算法的单相电路谐波电流实时检测新方法 A Novel Harmonic Current Real-Time Detection Method of Single-Phase Circuit Based on Circuit Model and Optimal Iterative Algorithm
- 预测修正迭代算法 predictor-corrector iterative algorithm
- 消息传递并行迭代算法 message passing parallel iterative algorithm
- 马尔可夫更新方程的迭代算法研究 Study on iterative availability algorithm of Markov renewal equation
- 迭代检测算法 iterative detectors
- 迭代形态学算法 herative morphology operation
- 差分迭代圆生成算法 A Difference Iteration Algorithm for Generating a Circle
- 求解径向滑动轴承雷诺方程的块不完全分解快速迭代算法研究 Solving Reynolds Equation of Journal Bearing with Block Incomplete Factorization Method
- 保性能迭代学习算法 guaranteed cost iterative learning algorithms
- 大直径桩承载性状分析的三参数荷载传递函数和迭代算法 Study on Three Parameters Load Transfer Function and Iterative Arithmetic of Large Diameter Single Pile Bearing Capacity and Settlement Analysis
- 迭代自组织数据分析算法 Iterative Self-Organizing Data Analysis Technique Algorithm (ISODATA)
- 复指数信号模型非线性最小二乘解的几何结构及迭代算法 The Geometric Structure of Nonlinear Least Square Solution for Signal by Complex Exponents and Alternate Algorithm
- 高斯回波模型在超声回波模拟中的应用及其迭代算法的讨论 Application of Gaussian echo model in ultrasonic echo simulation and discussion of the iterative method
- 离散非线性最优迭代学习控制近似算法 An Approximate Optimal Iterative Learning Control Algorithm of Nonlinear Discrete-time System
- BM迭代算法 BM iterative algorithm
- 关于并行迭代区域分解算法收敛性的注记 A Note on the Convergence of the Parallel Iteration Domain Decomposition Method
- EM迭代算法 EM algorithm
- DOE的相位分布由数值迭代相位恢复算法优化得到。 The phase distribution of DOE is optimization result of iterative phase retrieval algorithm.