- IP网络上传送语音 VoIP
- 采用在IP 上传送语音VoIP(Voice Over Internet Protocol)技术的IP 电话是以IP为标志的网络分组化和以流媒体传输为目标的网络业务综合化两大主流技术融合的结果。 The IP phone using VoIP technology is the result of the combination of such chief technology, the packet technology on network taking IP as its sign, and the integrating technique of services on network taking real-time media transmission as its goal.
- 它是在IP网络上传输多媒体流的控制协议。 It is a control protocol for multimedia streaming over IP networks.
- 分析了局域网内多播通信的优点,阐述了IP网络上多播(Mul-ticast)技术的概念、特点与原理。 The virtue of multicast communi-cation in a LAN is analyzed,and the technical concept,the characteristic and the principle of the IP network multicast are elaborated.
- 由振荡器产生并在通讯信道上传输的电波。它被调制后用来传送语音或其它信息。 A wave generated by an oscillator and transmitted on a communications channel; it is modulated to carry speech or data
- 获取或设置基优先级,“消息队列”使用该基优先级在网络上传送公共队列的消息。 Gets or sets the base priority Message Queuing uses to route a public queue's messages over the network.
- 采用 Direct X技术实时传送语音 ,使协作间的沟通更为便利 For the advantage of the communication in the cooperative training mode the real time transfer of audio is realized by DirectX.
- 由振荡器产生并在通讯信道上传输的电波,它被调制后用来传送语音或其它信息 A wave generated by an oscillator and transmitted on a communications channel and it is modulated to carry speech or data
- 一种快速冗余容错编码方法及其在IP网络QoS控制中的应用 A new redundant encoding scheme and its application in QoS controlling of IP networks
- 这就消除了周而复始的台式软硬件升级,而是把这个负担放到了网络上。 It eliminates the continuous cycle of desktop hardware and software upgrades, pushing that burden instead on to the network.
- TCP/IP网络 TCP/IP network
- 在环形网络上,与数据流方向相反的比特流。对照downstream On a ring network, the direction opposite to that of data flow.
- 有时,可在同一电缆上传送本机TCP/IP和AppleTalk。 Incidentally, it is possible to send native TCP/IP and AppleTalk over the same cable.
- IP网络电视 IPTV
- 游戏发烧友是网络上一个特殊的团体。 Hardcore gamers constitute one of the most idiosyncratic communities on the Net.
- TCP/IP网络 TCP/IP network
- 若将多台计算机连接到网络上,每台计算机须有惟一的地址,地址可以是一个字或一个数字。 If you connect computers together on a network, each computer must have a unique address, which could be either a word or a number.
- IP网络计费管理研究 Research on IP Network Accounting Management
- IP网络组播路由研究 Research on IP Network Multicast Routing