- Hilbert型重积分不等式 Hilbert's type multiple integral inequality
- Hilbert型奇异重积分算子 Hilbert' s type singular multiple integral operator
- 反向Hilbert型积分不等式 reverse Hilbert-type integral inequality
- Hilbert型不等式 Hilbert-type inequality
- CTS-Z型重锤式料位计的改进 Improvement of CTS-Z Heavy Hammer Material Location Counting
- Hilbert型级数不等式 Hilbert type series inequality
- 重装 reshipment
- 重置 reset
- 泛函型重对数律 functional law of the iterated logarithm
- 称重 to weigh
- Hilbert型积分不等式 Hilbert-type integral inequality
- Abel积分不等式的推广 The Generalization of Abel Intergral Inequality
- 重回 return
- 三重 treble
- 外型 exterior
- 基于一类积分不等式的非线性微分系统的一致Lipschitz稳定性 Uniform Lipschitz stability of nonlinear differential systems based on an integral inequality
- 户型 house type
- 重修 to repeat a course
- 笔型 pen type
- 局部对称共形平坦黎曼流形上极小子流形的内蕴刚性积分不等式 Intrinsic rigidity on minimal submanifolds in a Locally symmetric conformally flat Riemannian manifold