- 反向Hilbert型积分不等式 reverse Hilbert-type integral inequality
- Hilbert型重积分不等式 Hilbert's type multiple integral inequality
- Hilbert型积分不等式 Hilbert-type integral inequality
- 逆向Hilbert型积分不等式 reverse Hilbert-type integral inequality
- Hilbert型不等式 Hilbert-type inequality
- Medved[1]对弱奇性Gronwall型和Henry型积分不等式解的估计提出一种新方法. Medved[1] proposed a new approach for estimation of solutions to Henry-type and Bihari-type integral integral inequalities with weakly singular kernels.
- Hilbert型级数不等式 Hilbert type series inequality
- 本文分两部分,第一部分是Bellman-Wendroff-Bihari型积分不等式的一些改进和推广。 This paper is devided into two parts. The first part is devoted to some improvements and generalizations of the integral inequalities of the Bellman-Wendroff-Bihari type.
- Hardy-Hilbert型不等式 Hardy - Hilbert' s type inequality
- 时滞积分不等式 retarded integral inequalities
- 户型 house type
- 笔型 pen type
- Schwarz积分不等式 Schwarz integral inequality
- Hilbert积分不等式 Hilbert's integral inequality
- 闭型积分公式 closed integration formula
- Abel积分不等式的推广 The Generalization of Abel Intergral Inequality
- Vdterra型积分方程 Volterra integral equation
- Hilbert重积分不等式 Hilbert's integral inequality
- 快速小波变换与卷积型积分算子 Fast Wavelet Transformation and Convolution Integration Operator
- Hammerstein型积分微分差分方程 Hammerstein type integro-differential-differenee equation