- HMM-FNN模型 HMM-FNN model
- 模糊推理网络(FIN)和模糊联想记忆网络(FAM)是两种最重要的FNN模型。 Fuzzy inference network (FIN) and fuzzy associative memory network (FAM) are two most important FNN models.
- FNN-D方法 FNN-D method
- FNN-L方法 FNN-L method
- 糊神经网络(FNN) Fuzzy neutral network
- ANN/HMM混合模型 ANN/HMM hybrid model
- 模糊神经网络(FNN) Fuzzy Neural Network (FNN)
- HMM HMM(hidden Markov model)
- 他有各式各样的模型飞机。 He has all manner of model planes.
- 工程机械FNN换挡控制系统的改进 Improvement of a FNN Automatic Gear-shifting Control System for Construction Machinery
- 基于灰分反馈的FNN自适应配煤控制 Control of FNN Self - Adapting Coal Blending Based on Ash Feedback
- 模板匹配模型 template matching model
- 塑造它们的模型已毁。 The mould in which they were made is broken.
- 基于神经逻辑网络冗余纠错和FNN组合的配网高容错性故障定位 Fault Section Diagnosis with High Fault- Tolerance Performance for Distribution Networks Based on the Combination of Neural Logic Network Redundant Error Correct and FNN
- 可熔化模型材料 expendable pattern material
- 预制模型 to preform a mould
- 自模型内压制出管子 extrude tubing
- 他们还做这种模型吗? Do they make this model anymore?
- 等价模型 equivalence models