- 模糊神经网络(FNN) Fuzzy Neural Network (FNN)
- 本文运用模糊神经网络(FNN)方法研究粉煤灰抑制AAR问题、矿渣抑制AAR问题及混凝土AAR问题,探索多因素作用下影响AAR的内在规律; The approach of fuzzy neural network (FNN) is applied to research on the problems of fly ash or ggbs in suppressing expansion due to alkali -aggregate reaction (AAR) and AAR in concrete and to explore the relations of many factors with expansion due to AAR.
- 将模糊神经网络(FNN)嵌入专家系统(ES)中,FNN负责知识获取和逻辑推理,ES负责系统信 息的输入和输出、符号推理,并对FNN的结论进行解释。 The fuzzy neu ral network(FNN) is embedded to expert system(ES), FNN takes charge knowledge ac quisition and logic inference, ES takes charge input/output of system informatio n and symbolic inference and explain conclusion of FNN.
- 无刷励磁同步发电机旋转整流器故障的模糊神经网络诊断 Diagnosis of fuzzy neural network for rotating rectifier faults of generators with brushless excitation
- 用模糊神经网络诊断发电机励磁主电路功率器件故障的方法 Fuzzy Neural Network Fault Diagnosis System for Excitation Electric Circuit Power Units of Generator
- T-S模糊神经网络 T-S fuzzy neuro net
- BP模糊神经网络 back propagation fuzzy neural network
- 模糊神经网络PID fuzzy neural network PID
- TSK模糊神经网络 TSK fuzzy neural network
- RBF模糊神经网络 RBF fuzzy neural network
- 组合模糊神经网络 composite fuzzy neural network
- 声发射模糊神经网络 Fuzzy Neural Network for Acoustic Emission
- 模糊神经网络控制 fuzzy neural network control
- 补偿模糊神经网络 Compensation fuzzy neural networks
- 随机模糊神经网络 stochastic fuzzy neural network
- 动态模糊神经网络 D-FNN
- 模糊神经网络模型 fuzzy neural net model
- 模糊神经网络辨识 fuzzy neural networks identification
- 分级模糊神经网络 hierarchical fuzzy neural network
- 混合模糊神经网络 hybrid fuzzy neural network