- H5亚型特异性 H5 subtype-specific
- H9亚型特异性 H9 subtype-specific
- 亚型特异性 hypospecificity; split
- H5亚型 H5 subtype
- H5亚型疫苗 H5 subtype vaceine
- 禽流感H5亚型 AIV H5
- 采用离体血管环的方法对长期服用非亚型特异性拟多巴胺类药物左旋多巴后大鼠主动脉平滑肌中多巴胺受体两亚型(DA1,DA2)的变化进行了观察。 Isolated blood ring assays were used to study the changes of dopamine receptors in rat aorta vascular smooth muscles after oral L dopa.
- H5亚型禽流感病毒 H5 subtype avian influenza virus
- H5亚型油乳灭活苗 H5 subtype vaccine
- 眼特异性 eye specificity
- H5亚型血凝素基因 HA gene of H5N1
- 该算法结合常用的“一对多”(OVA)比对方法或“一对一”(OVO)比对方法,在跨平台检测某些白血病亚型特异基因时显得极为有效。 RS is a promising way to detect signatures across platforms when integrating with one vs. all (OVA) or one vs. one (OVO) schemes of comparison.
- 聚合酶链反应-序列特异性引物方法检测儿科疾病基因多态性 Polymerase Chain Reaction - Sequence Special Primers in Detecting Gene Polymorphism of Pediatrics Diseases
- H5亚型油乳灭活疫苗 H5 subtype inactivated vaccine
- 吸附特异性 adsorptive selectivity
- 阿塞拜疆卫生部报告了其最初三例人间感染H5亚型禽流感病毒的病例。 The Ministry of Health in Azerbaijan has reported its first three cases of human infection with the H5 subtype of avian influenza virus.
- 范畴特异性 category specificity
- 辅酶特异性 coenzyme specificity
- 在土耳其实验室进行的检测已确认从另外两名患者的标本中发现H5亚型禽流感病毒。 Laboratory tests conducted in Turkey have confirmed detection of the H5 subtype of avian influenza virus in samples from an additional two patients.
- 朝向特异性 configuration knowledge. orientation specificity