- H5亚型油乳灭活疫苗 H5 subtype inactivated vaccine
- H5亚型油乳灭活苗 H5 subtype vaccine
- 兔巴氏杆菌大肠杆菌油乳灭活苗的制备及效果测定 The invention of vaccine for rabbit form the oil emulsion of pasteurella and escherichia coli and Chinese herbals
- H5亚型 H5 subtype
- H5亚型特异性 H5 subtype-specific
- 禽流感H5亚型 AIV H5
- 乳 milk
- 灭 extinguish
- 可以通过主动免疫接种多价灭活疫苗或亚单位疫苗预防流感。 Influenza may be prevented by active immunization with a polyvalent killed or subunit vaccine.
- 乳液 latex
- H5亚型禽流感病毒 H5 subtype avian influenza virus
- 喷油 oil spout
- 漏油 oil leak
- CIA灭活疫苗 CIA vaccine
- 乳沟 cleavage
- 硅油 silicon oil
- 不灭 immortalization
- 乳癌 breast cancer
- 二价灭活疫苗 bivalent inactivated vaccine
- 模拟油乳状液的制备及稳定性的研究 Preparation and stability of simulated crude-oil emulsion