- H股的发展相当不错。 So far the development of H shares was quite good.
- 人民币债券市场的增长和H股市场的拓展 Growth of RMB bond market and expansion on H-shares market
- 通过发行B股、H股共吸收外资7.7亿美元。 The issue of B shares and H shares helped to draw 770 million US dollars worth of foreign capital.
- 对一个初学者来说,你是相当不错了。 For a beginner, you are pretty good.
- 在2001年,中央政府以审批和许可制度替换了首次公开招股的定额制度。 In 2001, the central government replaced the quota system on IPO by the verification and approval system.
- 贸易产品结构的互补性和互利性,有力地推动了两国贸易的发展。 So complementary and mutually beneficial is the structure of their exchanges of goods that it has greatly pushed the development of bilateral trade.
- 买反策略我认为股票市场仍相当不错。 The Contrariant Approach I believe the stock market is still very good.
- 香港红筹股、H股与内地股市的协整关系和引导关系研究 A Study on Co-integration and Causality among HongKong Red Chips, H-Shares and Mainland Stock Market
- 有时我担心电子邮件文化会危害重要的书写和人际交往技巧的发展。 I sometimes worry that the e- mail culture will injure the important development of writing and interpersonal skills.
- 一根三股的绳子 a three-ply rope
- 威廉教授今天做得演讲相当不错。 That was a pretty decent lecture professor Willams gave today.
- 自一九九三年年中起,愈来愈多大型国营企业在港发行H股。 Since mid-1993,H shares have been listed on Hong Kong's stock exchange by an increasing number of large state-owned enterprises in the Mainland.
- 即将到来的新世纪,人类既面临难得的发展机遇,又面临严峻的挑战。 Humanity is facing a rare chance for development as well as tough challenges in the new century.
- 你干得相当不错。 A fairly good dinner a fairly good dinner a fairly good dinner.
- 这是四股的羊毛线。 This is four ply wool.
- 菲尔比在那里每日不断地监视着那些预料不到的事态的发展。 Philby was there to monitor any unforeseen developments on a daily basis.
- 约翰被授予三千股的股票购置权,每股七美元。 John was granted an option to purchase 3,000 shares at a purchase price of %247.00 per share.
- 我们相处得相当不错,比过去好了。 We get on pretty well. Better than we used to.
- 发行B股、H股共16只,筹集资金182亿元,增加112亿元。 The issue of 16 B shares and H shares helped to draw 18.2 billion yuan worth of foreign capital,an increase of 11.2 billion yuan.
- 但是好几代以来土地寡头的统治阻碍了这个国家民主的发展。 But the landed oligarchy had stunted the country's democratic development for generations.