- GSM中的基带信道处理 The Baseband Signal Channel Processing for GSM
- DVB-S信道处理系统中基带脉冲整形插值滤波器的FPGA设计 FPGA Design of DVB-S Channel Processing System Baseband Pulse Shaping Interpolation Filter
- GSM中的两种漫游限制 Two Methods of Roaming Restriction in GSM
- OFDM可以使接收机中的基带处理单元大大简化,并且可以提高数据速率。 OFDM can simplify the base-band processing unit of the receiver greatly and can increase the data rate.
- 基带信道 baseband channel
- 信道处理 channel processing
- 作为派生具体包装类以实现Window窗体应用程序中的应用程序设置功能的基类。 Acts as a base class for deriving concrete wrapper classes to implement the application settings feature in Window Forms applications.
- 接收信道处理块 RCP Receive Channel Processing block
- 莫里亚蒂教授可以被说成是福尔莫斯故事中的行为卑鄙龌龊的人。 Professor Moriarty could be described as the dirty dog of the Sherlock Holmes stories.
- 基带信道模型 baseband channel model
- 经理因急于签订合同,想把合同中的问题敷衍一下了事。 The manager tried to slough over the problems in the contract because he was keen to get it signed.
- 油脂润滑时,可使用油脂中的基油粘度。 For grease lubrication the viscosity of the base oil in the grease may be used.
- 挨家挨户推销宝石很快会成为郊区生活中的一种常见现象。 Selling gemstones on the knocker will soon become a familiar feature of suburban life.
- 在实际的数字基带通信系统中,为使信息在基带信道中顺利传输,必须选择合适的基带信号,HDB3基带信号是常选信号之一. In the real digital baseband communication systems,for succeeding in transmitting information in baseband channel that we have to select a suitable baseband signal,the HDB3 baseband signal is the most choosing signal among all.
- 居住在西伯利亚西部叶尼塞河流域的一群人中的一部分人。 a member of one of the groups living in the Yenisei river valley in western Siberia.
- 胸带骨许多脊椎动物的胸带骨中的一块 One of the bones of the pectoral girdle in many vertebrates.
- 在已有数据的内存区域中记录数据,并且破坏原存储在该区域中的数据。 To record into an area of storage so as to destroy the data that was previously stored there.
- 基带处理模块 baseband processing module
- 论美国公司法中的压榨行为处理机制 On the Disposal of Oppressive Actions in the Corporate Law of US
- 包含在DNA中的信息主要由这些字母沿这个拉链的顺序来确定。 The information contained in DNA is determined primarily by the sequence of letters along the zipper.