- GSM中的两种漫游限制 Two Methods of Roaming Restriction in GSM
- 毛细管气相色谱法测定水性涂料中的两种乙二醇醚乙酸酯 Determination of Two Ethylence Glycol Ether Acetates in Waterborne Dopes with Capillary Gas Chromatography
- 论信息技术与课程深层次整合中的两种不同视角 On Two Different View-angles in Integration of Higher Level Between Curriculum and Information Technology
- 长期暴露在烟火中的两种型号包装容器热性状的数值研究 Numerical study of the thermal behaviour of two types of packages exposed to long duration fires
- 后者是指已提及的两个事物中的第二个,多用于书面语中。 The latter refers to the second of two items already mentioned and is rather more formal.
- 挨家挨户推销宝石很快会成为郊区生活中的一种常见现象。 Selling gemstones on the knocker will soon become a familiar feature of suburban life.
- 论宪法限制财产权的两种形式 On the Two Forms of Constitution's Restriction on Propert Right
- 磁力比较器;磁偏计用来测量地磁中的变化的一种可变性感应器 A variable inductor used to measure variations in terrestrial magnetism.
- 抓举的两种技术是指什么呢? But what are the two techniques used in the snatch?
- 只派了他们中的两位去做那件工作。 Only two of them are told off to do the job.
- (种间)相互作用出现在群落中的相互作用和效应,例如共生现象 Any of the reciprocal actions or effects, such as symbiosis, that can occur in a community.
- 秘书取得了教育学和语言学的两种毕业文凭。 The secretary had diplomas in both education and linguistics.
- 一种二价或三价金属元素,坚硬的银白色铁磁体,植物动物营养中的微量元素。 a hard ferromagnetic silver-white bivalent or trivalent metallic element; a trace element in plant and animal nutrition.
- 长尾喷管故障诊断中的两相流动计算 Numerical Study of Two-Phase Flow for Fault Diagnosis in a Tail-Pipe Nozzle
- 挪威的两种官方语言之一;接近于丹麦语。 one of two official languages of Norway; closely related to Danish.
- 介于这两种状态中的温度差是判定的基础。 The temperature difference between these two conditions is the basis for interpretation.
- 索绪尔语言理论中的两组区分与争议 On Two Groups of Distinction and Argument in Saussure's Theory of Linguistics
- 比利时的两种官方语言之一;接近于荷兰语。 one of two official languages of Belgium; closely related to Dutch.
- 大选中的两位候选人都让人觉得扫兴。 People had been turned off by both candidates in the election.
- 一种可能性的仅存在于两种可能状态中的一种的 Existing in only one of two possible states.