- FP2000分布式I/O系统 FP2000 distributed I/O system
- 介绍了应用FP2000分布式I/O系统和可编程序电源的硬件体系结构,阐述了在Labwindows/CVI平台上基于DataSocket服务器作为数据传输媒介的分布式系统实现方法。 The system is a distributed one based on local network using DataSocket. The hardware using FP2000 distributed I/O system and Chroma programmable AC power sources is described. The software architecture based on DataSocket as a communication medium in Labwindows/CVI is also presented.
- ET-200.主分布式I/O ET--200. DP--master
- 分布式I/O Distributed I/O
- 生物膜法A/O系统处理腈纶废水工业试验 Full Scale A/O Biofilm System for the Treatment of Acrylonitrile Wastewater
- 分布式I/O卡件 distributed I/O system
- 文件系统 file systems
- 生态系统 ecological system
- A/O系统 A/O system
- I2O技术规范为开发智能的、分布式I/O子系统提供了一种结构化的环境。 The I2O specification provides a structured environment for developing intelligent, distributed I/O subsystems.
- 免疫系统 immunologic system
- 管理系统 managerial system
- 电力系统 electric power system
- 神经系统 nervous system
- 对分布式I/O处理有一标准的方法时,用户们就能自由地组合他们喜爱的I/O技术、计算平台和操作系统。 With a standard approach to distributed I/O processing,users will be free to combine the I/O technologies,computing platforms and operating systems they prefer.
- 电脑系统 computer system
- 管理信息系统 management information system
- 电气系统 electrical system
- 嵌入式I/O系统 Embedded I/O System
- 排水系统 drainage system