- ET-200.主分布式I/O ET--200. DP--master
- 分布式I/O Distributed I/O
- 分布式I/O卡件 distributed I/O system
- FP2000分布式I/O系统 FP2000 distributed I/O system
- I2O技术规范为开发智能的、分布式I/O子系统提供了一种结构化的环境。 The I2O specification provides a structured environment for developing intelligent, distributed I/O subsystems.
- CLU_O = 只对群集路由 CLU_O = cluster only routing
- 对分布式I/O处理有一标准的方法时,用户们就能自由地组合他们喜爱的I/O技术、计算平台和操作系统。 With a standard approach to distributed I/O processing,users will be free to combine the I/O technologies,computing platforms and operating systems they prefer.
- O-r隔离 Os-r unconnectedness
- 失控的通货膨胀加深了工薪阶层的痛苦(埃德温O.赖肖尔) Runaway inflation further plagued the wage - or salary - earner(Edwin O.Reischauer)
- i法 i-method
- i角 Angle i
- I-A I-A
- 三I MT
- i owe you I. O. U.
- I/O I/O
- L、I和H、U、A-对不对? L. I and H. U. A. - is that right?
- I进入 enter
- i-GaN i-GaN
- i-Ram i-Ram