- Delta-Signal调制器 delta-sigrnal modulators
- 实时空间光调制器 real-time spatial light modulator
- pin调制器 PIN modulator
- 极性调制器 Polarity modulator
- 调制器效率 Modulator efficiency
- EA调制器 EA modulator
- FM调制器 Frequency Modulator
- PID调制器 PID modulator
- PWM调制器 PWM modulator
- QAM调制器 QAM
- 介绍了相位差调制器及测量器的原理框图、要性能指标及电路实现。 In this article, the schematic diagram, main specifications and the realization of the circuits of the phase differential modulator and measurer are described.
- 电压调制器 Voltage regulator
- Y波导调制器 Y-waveguide modulator
- 边缘调制器 IPQAM
- 前端调制器 head-end modulator
- 调制器原理 principle of modulator
- 64QAM调制器 64QAM modulator
- BPSK调制器 BPSK modulator
- 微弯调制器 microbend modulator
- 邻频调制器 adjacent channel modulator