- 64QAM调制器 64QAM modulator
- 64QAM 64 QAM
- 利用单片维特比译码器实现64QAM TCM的解调 Demodulating the 64QAM TCM Signal by a Chip of Viterbi Decoder
- 在CATV网采用64QAM调制技术,每个8MHz带宽的电视频道可提供高达32Mbps的净下行速率。 The download rate is 32Mbps when using 64 QAM modulator in 8MHz bandwidth channel.
- 实时空间光调制器 real-time spatial light modulator
- pin调制器 PIN modulator
- 极性调制器 Polarity modulator
- 调制器效率 Modulator efficiency
- 仿真结果表明:利用该方法的64QAM-OFDM系统误码率在AWGN信道下可以达到理想性能,在多径信道下1×10-3误码率处的性能损失可以减小到0.1 dB左右。 Simulations of a 64QAM-OFDM system show that this technique can achieve the optimal bit error rate(BER) performance under AWGN channel,and can reduce the performance degradation to about 0.1 dB when the BER is 10-3 under frequency-selective fading channel.
- EA调制器 EA modulator
- FM调制器 Frequency Modulator
- PID调制器 PID modulator
- PWM调制器 PWM modulator
- QAM调制器 QAM
- 介绍了相位差调制器及测量器的原理框图、要性能指标及电路实现。 In this article, the schematic diagram, main specifications and the realization of the circuits of the phase differential modulator and measurer are described.
- 电压调制器 Voltage regulator
- Y波导调制器 Y-waveguide modulator
- 边缘调制器 IPQAM
- 前端调制器 head-end modulator
- 调制器原理 principle of modulator