- DNA单分子 single DNA molecules
- 基于在DNA单分子定位切割和拾取方面的实验进展,提出了一种基于原子力显微镜纳米操纵技术的单分子有序化测序策略。 Thus an ordered sequencing strategy is proposed based on the experimental advancements in positioning dissection and isolation of single DNA molecules with AFM nanomanipulation.
- Y-DNA单倍型 Y-chromosome haplotype
- 转录DNA单链 master strand
- 一块浮动隔板将清洁的水面与含单分子层的水表面隔开。 A floating barrier separates a clean water surface from a water surface containing the monolayer.
- DNA单链断裂 DNA Single - strand Break
- 基于单分子层去除机理的芯片化学机械抛光材料去除模型 Modeling of Chemical Mechanical Polishing Material Removal Based on Molecular-Scale Mechanism
- DNA单链损伤 DNA damage
- 单分子PCR The single molecular PCR
- 转录的DNA单链 Watson's strand
- 铕对磷脂酰胆碱LB单分子膜结构影响的原子力显微镜观察 Effect of Eu~(3+) on the Domain Structures in Phosphatidylcholine LB Monolayer Film Observed by Atomic Force Microscopy
- DNA单核苷酸钠 Sodium Deoxyribonucleotide
- 单分子胶束 Unimoleeular micelle
- 非转录DNA单链 Crick strand
- 单分子自动催化 monomolecular autocatalysis
- DNA单链构象多态性原理初探 Study on Principles of DNA Single Strand Conformation Polymorphism
- 单分子计数 counting single molecule
- 局灶性脑缺血再灌注后DNA单链断裂与凋亡的关系 Relation between DNA single strand break and apoptosis after focal cerebral ischemia-reperfusion
- 单分子检测 Single molecule detection
- 用彗星化验测定真核状态细胞中DNA单串损坏指南 Standard Guide for Determining DNA Single-Strand Damage in Eukaryotic Cells Using the Comet AssayE