- 单分子PCR The single molecular PCR
- 基于分子杂交和单分子PCR的同源基因克隆技术 Homology Cloning Based on Molecular Hybridization and Single Molecular PCR
- 一块浮动隔板将清洁的水面与含单分子层的水表面隔开。 A floating barrier separates a clean water surface from a water surface containing the monolayer.
- 基于单分子层去除机理的芯片化学机械抛光材料去除模型 Modeling of Chemical Mechanical Polishing Material Removal Based on Molecular-Scale Mechanism
- DNA单分子 single DNA molecules
- 铕对磷脂酰胆碱LB单分子膜结构影响的原子力显微镜观察 Effect of Eu~(3+) on the Domain Structures in Phosphatidylcholine LB Monolayer Film Observed by Atomic Force Microscopy
- 单分子胶束 Unimoleeular micelle
- 单分子自动催化 monomolecular autocatalysis
- 单分子计数 counting single molecule
- 单分子检测 Single molecule detection
- 单分子成像 single molecular imaging
- 单分子裂化 monomolecular cracking
- 单分子操纵 single molecular manipulation
- 单分子剪裁 single molecular surgery
- 单分子事件 single molecule events
- 单分子科学 single molecule science
- 单分子测序 single molecule sequencing
- 单分子电导 single molecules conductance
- 蛋白单分子 single protein molecules
- 单分子表征 single-molecule characterizing