- D-广义割圆 Ding-generalized cyclotomy
- 周期为pq阶为2~k的D-广义割圆序列的线性复杂度 The linear complexity of new Ding-generalized cyclotomic sequences of order 2~k of length pq
- 广义割圆 generalized cyclotomy
- 广义割圆序列 generalized cyclotomic sequences
- 圆 circle
- 割圆类 Cyclotomic class
- 我们把这空间称为广义割集子空间。 We shall call this space segsubspace.
- 圆的 roundish
- 圆环 traffic circle
- 割集的一个推广叫做广义割集。有时也把它叫做断开集。 A generalization of cut-sets is known as a seg. It is also sometimes called a disconnecting set.
- 日圆 Japanese yen (unit of currency)
- 气割 torch cutting
- 圆头 pommel
- 广义B-D逆 generalized B-D inverse
- 圆管 circular tube
- 我因悔恨而心如刀割。 I was stabbed with remorse.
- 广义M-D模型 generalized M-D model
- 月圆 full of the moon
- 农民们忙着在田里割稻。 The farmers were busy reaping the rice in the field.
- 圆孔 round orifice