- 广义B-D逆 generalized B-D inverse
- 关于L-非负定阵广义B-D逆的代数扰动 On Algebraic Perturbation of Generalized B-D Inverse of L-nonnegative Definite Matrix
- 广义Bézier曲线 generalized Bézier curve
- 带标签的广义Büchi自动机 labeled generalized Btichi automaton
- 广义B样条曲线 generalized B-splines curve
- 她的成绩是B+。 She got a grade of B plus.
- 弱逆 weak inverse
- 元秘-D yuanmi-D
- 逆GSM映射 inverse GSM mapping
- 台钩藤碱D speciophylline
- comb这个词里的"b"是不发音的。 The "b" in "comb" is not sounded.
- 气逆 circulation of vital energy in the wrong direction
- 延胡索素D adlumidin D
- 逆陷断块 obsequent rift block
- 广义的赔偿 reparation lato sensu
- T/D结合 T/D integration
- Ⅰb Ⅰ b
- 再逆 another mistake (in treatment)
- 天青菌素D Celesticetin D
- 广义递归 generalized recursive