- Chirp子脉冲频率步进雷达多目标折叠问题的解决办法 Solution to the Problem of Multi-target's Replication in Chirp-Subpulse Stepped Frequency Radars
- Chirp子脉冲频率步进 stepped Chirp waveform
- Chirp子脉冲 Chirp-subpulse
- 子 midnight
- 摘要为了获得高距离分辨率,将线性调频信号作为子脉冲构成调频步进雷达信号。 In order to obtain high range resolution, the Chirp signal is used as subpulse to form stepped frequency modulated radar signal.
- 步 march
- 频率 frequency
- 脉冲档;脉冲频率灯 pulse frequency modulation
- 步进 stepping
- 脉冲频率测量 The pulse frequency measure
- 子脉冲 subpulse
- 步进电机 magnetic stepping motor
- 通电脉冲频率 electronic pulse frequency
- 基孤子脉冲 fundamental solition
- 飞秒孤子脉冲 femtosecond soliton pulse
- 脉冲频率对铁基纳米非晶丝的GMI影响研究 Effect of Electric Current Pulse Frequency on GMI of Fe-based Nanocrystalline Alloys Wire
- 离散效应存在时孤子脉冲的增强压缩 Enhanced Compression of Optical Pulse in Fibers when the Walk-off Effect is Taken Into Account
- 强地杂波背景下Chirp步进信号的运动补偿 A Velocity Compensation for Chirp-subpulse Stepped Frequency Signal in Strong Ground Clutter
- 电流脉冲频率对TIG焊电弧影响机理的研究 Mechanism of Pulse Current Frequency Effect on TIG Arc
- 步进电动机 pecking motor