- Chirp子脉冲 Chirp-subpulse
- Chirp子脉冲频率步进雷达多目标折叠问题的解决办法 Solution to the Problem of Multi-target's Replication in Chirp-Subpulse Stepped Frequency Radars
- Chirp子脉冲频率步进 stepped Chirp waveform
- 子 midnight
- 啁啾对存在离散效应时孤子脉冲压缩的影响 Effect of chirp on soliton pulse compression with Walk-off effect
- 子脉冲 subpulse
- 亲子 parent-offspring
- 贴子 notice
- 电子管使发射器产生脉冲波。 The transmitter was pulsed by an electron tube.
- Chirp脉冲 chirp impulse
- 弧子脉冲 soliton pulse
- chirp探测 chirp-sounding technology
- Chirp信号 Chirp signal
- 基孤子脉冲 fundamental solition
- Chirp-Z变换 Chirp-Z transform
- 腻子 lacquer putty
- 宽带Chirp雷达 wideband Chirp radar
- 之子 Clouet
- 宽带Chirp信号 Wide-band Chirp Source
- 墨子 Mo-tse