- C/D比值 cup/disk ratio
- S/D比值 peak-systolic and diastolic ratio
- BPP评分越低 ,S/ D比值异常的发生率就越高。 The lower the BPP, the higher the abnormality of the S/D value.
- c语言
- 比值 ratio
- 维生素C vitamin(e) C
- C语言程序设计 Programming in C
- 结果发现,出生体重符合孕龄(AGA)糖尿病孕妇(n=15),脐动脉,子宫动脉S/D比值与正常孕妇组比较,无明显差异。 Both Um and Ut S/ D ratio decreased with the advancement of gestational age in normal control group (n=20) and DM cases without large for gestational age (AGA) infant (n=15).
- C&D curettage and dessication 刮除术和干燥, cystoscopy and dilatation 膀胱镜检查和扩张术, cystoscopy and dilation 膀胱镜检查和扩张术
- C.D.I C. D. I.
- C/N比值 initial C/N ratio
- A/C比值 A/ C ratio
- C-D效果 competition-density effect
- C-D函数 C-D function
- c/v比值 ratio of c/v
- C/N比值 C/N ratio
- B减C等于D。 B minus C leaves D.
- C/S/D结构 C/S/D mode