- 反应器对进水cNO2--N/cNH4+-N比值有一定的适应能力. The ANAMMOX reactor showed some adaptability to the influent cNO-2-N/cNH+4-N ratio.
- 焦化废水经铁碳电池预处理后,COD/N比值降低,亚硝化反应可以较早进行,有利于缩短系统的总曝气时间。 After wastewater is pretreated by iron scrap method, the ratio of COD/N lowers, nitritation process will be carried out much earlier, which is beneficial to shortening the total aeration time.
- c语言
- 经99mTc-HL91断层显像后1d行99mTc-MIBI断层显像,并对显像阳性患者利用感兴趣区(ROI)技术分别勾画肿瘤(T)与对侧相应部位(N),计算T/N比值。 ~ 99m Tc-MIBI SPECT tomograph imaging was done 1 day after ~ 99m Tc-HL91 tomograph imaging. The regions of interesting(ROI) were drawn in the tumor and contralateral position to calculate the radioactivity ratios of tumor to normal (T/N).
- 比值 ratio
- 维生素C vitamin(e) C
- C语言程序设计 Programming in C
- 应用感兴趣区(ROI)技术勾画并测定各时相裸鼠的头部、肺部、心脏部位、肝部、肾区放射性计数、肿瘤部位放射性计数(T),及肿瘤对侧相应部位放射性计数(N),求出相应T/N比值,进行半定量分析; The technique of drawing region of interest (ROI) was used to obtain the averaged pixel counts and the activity-time (A-T) curve of brain, heart, lung, liver, kidney, tumor, respectively.
- C/N C/N
- C/N比 carbon to nitrogen ratio
- C/D比值 cup/disk ratio
- C/N C/N
- A/C比值 A/ C ratio
- B-C-N B-C-N
- c/v比值 ratio of c/v
- 低C/N low C/N
- C/E比值 C/E
- 我姓陈,C-H-E-N。 My last name is Chen. C-H-E-N.
- H/C比值 H/C ratio
- C/N比 C/N ratio