- CFRP筋 CFRP tendon
- 预应力CFRP筋 CFRP tendon
- 有黏结预应力CFRP筋混凝土梁试验及非线性分析 Experiment and Nonlinear Analysis of Concrete Beams with Bonded Prestressing CFRP Tendons
- 通过静载试验详细研究了以RPC作为粘结介质的粘结式锚具在不同CFRP筋表面形状、锚固长度、根数、套筒内壁倾角等参数下的锚固性能. During tests and analysis, surface shape of CFRP ten-don, the influence of bond length, numbers of CFRP tendons used in bond-type anchorage and the slope of inner wall ofouter steel tube have been studied.
- 加强筋 dabber
- 箍筋 hooping
- 配筋 reinforcing bars
- 橡筋 rubber band
- 筋板 gusset
- 拉筋 lacing wire
- 低筋面粉 Self- raising flour
- 筋急 muscular contracture
- 筋膜 aponeurosis
- 高筋面粉 Strong flour
- 插筋 steel dowel
- 伤筋动骨 have a fracture
- 筋疲力竭 burn itself out
- 背筋 backing strip (搪瓷金属板的)
- 低筋粉 weak strength flour
- 易筋经 change your bone