- 预应力CFRP筋 CFRP tendon
- 有黏结预应力CFRP筋混凝土梁试验及非线性分析 Experiment and Nonlinear Analysis of Concrete Beams with Bonded Prestressing CFRP Tendons
- CFRP筋 CFRP tendon
- 有黏结预应力CFRP筋 bonded prestressing CFRP tendon
- 预应力CFRP布加固混凝土梁不卸载时的受弯性能试验研究 The experimental study of character in bending of concrete beams strengthened with prestressed CFRP sheets when load is not removed
- 预应力CFRP prestressed CFRP
- 预应力CFRP布 prestressed CFRP sheets
- 配筋 reinforcing bars
- 橡筋 rubber band
- 预应力CFRP片材 prestressed CFRP sheet
- 低筋面粉 Self- raising flour
- 通过静载试验详细研究了以RPC作为粘结介质的粘结式锚具在不同CFRP筋表面形状、锚固长度、根数、套筒内壁倾角等参数下的锚固性能. During tests and analysis, surface shape of CFRP ten-don, the influence of bond length, numbers of CFRP tendons used in bond-type anchorage and the slope of inner wall ofouter steel tube have been studied.
- 插筋 steel dowel
- 预应力CFRP布加固混凝土梁可靠性研究 Reliability Analysis of the Prestressing Force CFRP Strengthening RC Beams
- 锚筋 anchor rod
- 我们因爬上那座小山而筋疲力竭。 We were exhausted by the climb up the hill.
- 长期熬夜使她筋疲力竭。 She was tired out by these long vigils.
- 配筋率 ratio of reinforcement
- 一块多筋牛肉 a sinewy cut of beef.
- 纵筋 longitudinal bar