- CAN总线接口 CAN bus interface
- 具有CAN总线接口的蓄电池在线监测装置 The Intelligent On-line Monitor of Battery with CAN Bus Interface
- 列控车载设备中CAN总线接口的高可靠设计 High Reliable Design of CAN Bus Interface in Train Control System
- 接口 interface (port)
- 基于CAN总线接口控制系统通信卡设计与实现 The Design and Implementation of Communication Card in Interface Control System Based on CAN Bus
- 车用电控单元系统的CAN总线接口软硬件设计 CAN Bus Hardware and Software Interface Design for In-Vehicle ECU
- 后端总线逻辑。访问内部统一二级处理器缓存的后端总线接口逻辑。 BBL Back-side Bus Logic. Logic for interface to the back-side bus for accesses to the internal unified level two processor cache.
- CAN总线及其较高层网络协议在航空航天上的可适用性探讨 The Applicability of CAN Bus and Its Upper Layer Network Protocol in Aerospace
- CAN总线 CAN bus
- 总线接口 bus interface
- 基于CAN总线的分布式设备数据采集与监控系统的研究与应用 Research on and Application of Distributed Equipment Data Acquisition and Monitoring System Based on CAN Bus
- 总线接口仿真 bus interface emulation
- 汽车CAN总线 automobile CAN-Bus
- PCI总线接口 PCI bus interface
- CAN总线技术 CAN bus technology
- ⅡC总线接口 IIC bus interface
- CAN总线通信 CAN communications
- SM总线接口 SMBus interface
- CAN总线通讯 CAN bus communication
- SPI总线接口 SPI bus interface