- British historic building 英国历史建筑
- The invaders gutted the historic building. 侵略者们将那幢历史上有名的建筑洗劫一空。
- We should take more care of our historic buildings. 我们应该更加爱护有历史意义的建筑。
- You can enjoy the numerous historic buildings of the city's many rulers - Arab, Roman, Greek, Turkish, British, French - spanning over five millennia. 你会喜欢这里众多统治者-阿拉伯,希腊,土耳其,英国,法国-跨越了5000年的历史建筑。
- The Goethe Institute is housed in a spacious historic building, centrally located in the old town centre. 歌德学院地处老城区的中心,安置在一幢宽敞的历史建筑中。
- Feilden Bernard M.,1982, Conservation of Historic Building, Butterworth Scientific , London. 黄克忠,1998,岩土文物建筑的保护,中国建筑工业出版社,北京市。
- More money is needed for the upkeep of the historic buildings. 历史性建筑的保存需要更多的资金投入。
- The design of the air-conditioning system was presented for a historic building in Shanghai for the change of function. 介绍了上海某历史性建筑因使用功能的改变而进行的加设空调系统的工程设计。
- Entire construction primary and secondary distinct, constituted the historic building characteristic. 整个建筑主次分明,构成了古建筑物的特色。
- Tainan is a very old city, and it has many historic buildings. 台南是座非常古老的城市,有许多历史悠久的建筑。
- Mrs Touchett inhabited an historic building in a narrow street whose every name recalled the strife of medieval factions. 杜歇夫人住的是历史上有名的建筑,在一条小街上,它的名称便使人想起中世纪内乱频仍的局面。
- The paper intends to introduce some maturity experience to our historic building conservation speciality which is on her primary stage. 该文抛砖引玉,以期对我国处于起步阶段的历史建筑保护教育有所启迪。
- And only a few hours outside of Helsinki is Finland's most notable historic building, Turku Castle, which was founded in1280. 建于1280年的"土尔库堡",离赫尔辛基仅数小时之遥,是芬兰最著名的史迹建筑。
- Mrs. Touchett inhabited an historic building in a narrow street whose very name recalled the strife of medieval factions. 杜歇夫人住的是历史上有名的建筑,在一条小街上,它的名称便使人想起中世纪内乱频仍的局面。
- Architects give the city high praise for saving the historic buildings. 建筑师们对该市保护历史建筑物的做法予以高度赞扬。
- British colonies were ruled by governors. 英国的殖民地由总督统治。
- This historic building is characterized by both Chinese and Western architectural styles and the decorations inside the building were magnificent! 这座历史建筑糅合了中西式建筑的特色,而其内部的装饰更令人叹为观止呢!
- This is the first time a private owner has donated a historic building without compensation to the community for permanent preservation. 这是首次有私人建筑物的业主,愿意无偿地把历史建筑物捐赠给香港政府,作永久保留。
- Together with the onsite existing historic building, the new building creates a public urban square which allows all kinds of public events to occur. 它还与现存的历史建筑创造出一个能容纳多样性活动的公共广场空间。
- A historical buildings survey continued in 1997. 年内,全港历史建筑物调查的工作继续进行。