- 1B/1R 1B/1R
- 1B/1R 1B/1R
- 非1B/1R Non-IB/1R
- 非1B/1R Non 1B/1R
- IGF-1R IGF-1 R
- CH-1R株 CH-1R strain
- IL-1B IL-1B
- (-)-1R ( - )-1R
- HY-1B HY-1 B
- K8.1B K8.1B
- 小鼠Doc-1R基因的克隆及其表达 Cloning and Expression of the Mouse Doc-1R Gene
- pcDNA3-DOC-1R反义重组质粒的构建 Then we have cloned the mouse DOC - 1R cDNA sequence into the pMEISS - FL3 plasmid.
- ShET-1B ShET - 1B
- IGF-1R抗体对兔耳瘢痕组织的影响 Effects of IGF-1R antibody on hypertrophic scars in rabbit ears
- 镉试剂1B Cadion 1B
- 豚鼠过敏性脑脊髓炎CNS中IL-1R的表达 Expression of IL_1R in CNS of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis in guinea pigs
- 4.1B蛋白 protein 4.1B
- 黑麦1R染色体特异性PCR引物的分子证据 Molecular Evidence of a Pair of PCR Primer for Rye 1R Chromosome Specificity ?
- 我国 HCV基因型以 1b和 2 a为主 ,HEV毒株接近缅甸株。 It was noted that the genotyping of HCV isolates in China was mainly of 1b and 2a, whereas the molecular epidemiology of Chinese HEV strains was close to that of Burmese.