- 1B/1R 1B/1R
- IGF-1R IGF-1 R
- 1B/1R 1B/1R
- CH-1R株 CH-1R strain
- 非1B/1R Non-IB/1R
- (-)-1R ( - )-1R
- 非1B/1R Non 1B/1R
- 小麦1B/1R Wheat landraces
- 1B/1R类型 1B/1R K type
- 1B/1R易位系 1B/1R translocation chromosome
- 非1B/1R类型 No-1 B/1 R
- 非1B/1R雄性不育系 No-IB/1R male sterile line
- 非1B/1R与1B/1R雄性不育系 Non 1B/1R and 1B/1R male sterile lines
- 小鼠Doc-1R基因的克隆及其表达 Cloning and Expression of the Mouse Doc-1R Gene
- pcDNA3-DOC-1R反义重组质粒的构建 Then we have cloned the mouse DOC - 1R cDNA sequence into the pMEISS - FL3 plasmid.
- IGF-1R抗体对兔耳瘢痕组织的影响 Effects of IGF-1R antibody on hypertrophic scars in rabbit ears
- 豚鼠过敏性脑脊髓炎CNS中IL-1R的表达 Expression of IL_1R in CNS of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis in guinea pigs
- 黑麦1R染色体特异性PCR引物的分子证据 Molecular Evidence of a Pair of PCR Primer for Rye 1R Chromosome Specificity ?
- 偏、粘、易型非1B/1R小麦雄性不育系育成 Breeding of Male Sterile Lines of Non-1B/1R Wheat with Ae.ventricosa,Ae.kotschyi and Ae.variabilis Cytoplasms
- 粗径SCOT玻璃毛细管柱GC与长光管FT-1R联用 On-line Glass Capillary GC of Wide Bore SCOT and FT-IR of Long Light Pipe