- 非接触IC卡技术 non-contact IC card technology
- 非接触IC卡的安全应用 Secure application of the contactless IC card
- 非接触IC卡读写器产生场强的测定 Determination of Contact-less IC Card Reader-Writer Produced Field Intensity
- 随着IC卡技术的发展,感应式非接触IC卡出现了。 近年来,人们已经成功地将非接触IC卡应用到高速公路收费管理,公交收费,自动门禁管理,物流管理中。 In receat years, with the developmellt of IC card technology, contactless IC cardlaPpeared and has been aPPlied to highWay charge and management, public ndc feecollection, automatic gate mangemen and material flow managemeni.
- 非接触IC卡基站BPSK解调电路的锁相设计实现 A BPSK Demodulation IC with DPLL for Contactless IC Card Base Station
- 非接触IC卡 non-contact IC card
- 基于非接触式ID卡技术设计的巡更系统 Patrol System Based on Technology of Untouched ID Card
- 轨道交通AFC系统非接触IC单程票形式比选研究 The Comparison Research for Choosing Type of Contactless IC Single Journey Tickets in AFC System of Rail Transit
- IC卡技术 IC card technique
- 非接触式技术 tether-free technologies
- 非接触式喷点技术 inkjet printing
- IC卡技术概述 Overiew of IC Card Technology
- 非接触式测量技术 non-contact measurement technology
- 接触式IC卡 contact intelligent card
- 摘要:本文主要介绍新研制的IC卡智能化水表系统结构及技术特点。 Abstract: This paper mainly introduces the systematic structure of an intelligent IC card water meter which is newly developed and its technical characteristics.
- 非接触式交通检测技术 traffic non-contact detection technologies
- 接触型IC卡接口系统设计 Design of Interface System for Contact Type IC Card
- 非接触式移动电源技术研究 Research on Contactless Mobile Power Technology
- GSM中的IC卡技术 The Technology of IC Card in GSM