- 非接触IC卡的安全应用 Secure application of the contactless IC card
- 非接触IC卡读写器产生场强的测定 Determination of Contact-less IC Card Reader-Writer Produced Field Intensity
- 非接触IC卡基站BPSK解调电路的锁相设计实现 A BPSK Demodulation IC with DPLL for Contactless IC Card Base Station
- 非接触IC卡 non-contact IC card
- 非接触IC卡技术 non-contact IC card technology
- 开关电源电磁噪声辐射波对非接触IC卡读写器干扰分析 Analysis on Interference of Magnetic Noise Radiation of Switcher Power Supply on Untouched IC Card Reader
- 轨道交通AFC系统非接触IC单程票形式比选研究 The Comparison Research for Choosing Type of Contactless IC Single Journey Tickets in AFC System of Rail Transit
- 雷达式非接触生命参数检测系统中心跳信号提取方法研究 Study on technology to detect heartbeat signals in non-contact life parameter detection system based on radar
- 摘要:本文主要介绍新研制的IC卡智能化水表系统结构及技术特点。 Abstract: This paper mainly introduces the systematic structure of an intelligent IC card water meter which is newly developed and its technical characteristics.
- 非接触传输 contactless transmission
- 非接触测温 non-contact temperature measurement
- 非接触测试 non-contact testing
- 接触式IC卡 contact intelligent card
- 非接触智能卡 contactless smart card
- 非接触驱动 noncontact driving
- 接触型IC卡接口系统设计 Design of Interface System for Contact Type IC Card
- 非接触式IC Non-contracting model IC
- 非接触式智能卡 contactless smart card
- 非接触标测 Non -contact mapping
- 非接触集成电路卡 CICC Contactless Integrated Circuit Card