- 随机单链DNA文库 Single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) pool
- 用噬菌体M13mp18单链DNA作探针,对二花脸和大约克夏猪进行了DNA指纹的研究。 A study on DNA fingerprints of Erhualian and Large Yorkshire pigs was carried out using bacteriophage M13mp18 single strand DNA probe.
- 天麻素注射液治疗眩晕的多中心随机单盲对照试验 Gastrodin Injection in the Treatment of Vertigo: A Multi-center Single-blind Randomized Controlled Trial
- 单链DNA single-stranded DNA; ssDNA
- DNA文库 DNA library
- 认知干预对脑卒中患者认知功能障碍的随机单盲法研究 The single blind procedure research of cognitive rehabilitation interventions on cognitive deficits in patients with stroke
- 互补DNA文库 cDNA library; complementary DNA library
- 经皮射频热凝治疗慢性颈肩痛临床疗效的随机单盲对照 Analysis of the therapeutic effect of precutanous radiofrequency neurotomy on chronic neck and shoulder pain by a randomized single blind study
- 基因组DNA文库 Genomic DNA library
- 国产与进口头孢吡肟治疗泌尿系感染随机单盲对照临床研究 Randomized controlled multicentric clinical trial of domestic and imported cefepime in the treatment of acute urinary infections
- 方法:利用噬菌体展示文库技术筛选与vWF- A1区有高亲合力单链抗体(ScFv) ; Methods:The single chain antibody with high affinity to vWF-A1 was screened with phage display technology;
- 基因组DNA文库的构建 construction of genomic DNA library
- 随机单次测定血清孕酮、雌二醇对异位妊娠早期诊断的应用价值 The Clinical Value of Single Random Measurement of Serum Progesterone and Estradiol for Early Diagnosis of Ectopic Pregnancy
- 单链RNA single-stranded RNA
- 大熊猫基因组DNA文库的构建 Construction of a Giant Panda (Ailuropoda Melanoleuca) DNA Genomic Library
- 1%盐酸布替萘芬软膏治疗浅部真菌病随机单盲对照多中心临床试验 A multicenter, randomized, single blind, controlled clinical trial of 1%25 butenafine hydrochoride cream in the treatment of superficial mycoses
- 裴氏着色真菌基因组DNA文库的构建 Construction of Fonsecaea pedrosoi Genomic DNA Library
- 单链线 single catenary
- 骨化三醇软膏治疗慢性轻中度斑块型银屑病的随机单盲对照临床试验 Randomized controlled single blind clinical trial of calcitriol cream in the treatment of psoriasis vulgaris
- 谷子RFLP研究及基因组DNA文库的建成 Studies on RFLP and Construction of a Library of Genomic DNA in Foxtail Millet (Setaria italica Beauv.)