- 试验没有成功,尽管如此,还是值得做的。
The experiment failed. It was, nevertheless, worth making.
- 尽管我们尽了全力,我们还是输掉了比赛。
Despite all our efforts we still lost the game.
- 你到美国是坐船还是坐飞机?
Are you going to America by boat or by plane?
- 你要把蔬菜煮熟还是生吃?
Do you want your vegetables cooked or raw?
- 你是赞成还是反对?
Are you for or against?
- 我们坐吸烟车厢还是非吸烟车厢?
Shall we sit in a smoker or a non-smoker?
- 不管是容貌还是舞艺我们都比不上她。
None of us can equal her, either in beauty or as a dancer.
- 那幅画是原作还是复制品?
Is that painting an original or a reproduction?