- 过敏反应SRS-A SRS-A of anaphylaxis
- 反应 response
- 过敏反应慢反应物质-A Slow reacting substance-A of anaphylaxis
- 一氧化氮和过氧化氢诱导水稻细胞过敏反应的协同作用分析 Analysis of Synergetic Induction of Hypersensitive Response by Nitric Oxide and Hydrogen Peroxide in Rice Suspension Cultured Cells
- 过敏反应 allergy
- 我对青霉素有过敏反应。 I have an allergy to penicillin.
- 鸡蛋蛋白比蛋黄更易引起过敏反应蛋黄中的主要过敏原。 Egg white proteins are reported to elicit allergic reactions more frequently than egg yolk.
- 对身体的过敏反应可算正常? To be acutely conscious of your body is it normal?
- 过敏反应和心绞痛的诊断被确立。 A diagnosis of anaphylaxis and angina pectoris was made.
- 冷过敏反应 cold sensitivity reaction
- 例20岁女性在脚外伤后使用含有氯已定的消毒剂引起过敏反应。 A20- year-old woman experienced anaphylaxis after application of a chlorhexidine- containing disinfectant to a cut on her foot.
- 同种过敏反应 homologous anaphylaxis
- 严重过敏反应 anaphylaxis
- 异种过敏反应 heterologous anaphylaxis
- 因子-过敏反应 Factor-Anaphylaxis
- Ⅵ型过敏反应 type Ⅵ hypersensitivity reaction
- 过敏反应测定 allergometry
- 对某种过敏原的过敏反应。 hypersensitivity reaction to a particular allergen; symptoms can vary greatly in intensity.
- 间接过敏反应 indirect anaphylaxis
- 过敏反应引起的鼻粘膜炎。 rhinitis caused by an allergic reaction.