- 过敏反应慢反应物质-A Slow reacting substance-A of anaphylaxis
- 人过敏反应慢反应物质 substance of anaphylaxis, human slow reacting
- 过敏反应的慢反应物质 slow reacting substance of anaphylaxis(SRS-A)
- 反应慢 be slow to react
- 没有准备或反应慢的。 unprepared and unable to react quickly.
- 反应 response
- 反应慢的生产井 laggard production well
- 人过敏反应迟缓反应物质 substance of anaphylaxis, human slow reacting
- 迟钝的或反应慢的 Dull of mind or perception.
- 过敏反应SRS-A SRS-A of anaphylaxis
- 过敏反应 allergy
- 那男人老了,反应慢了。 The man is getting on in years and he is slow to respond.
- 一氧化氮和过氧化氢诱导水稻细胞过敏反应的协同作用分析 Analysis of Synergetic Induction of Hypersensitive Response by Nitric Oxide and Hydrogen Peroxide in Rice Suspension Cultured Cells
- 迟缓反应物质A slow reacting substance-A; slowly reacting substance A; SRA; SRS-A
- 晕眩或者迷惑而且反应慢(像是因为打击、酒醉或者筋疲力尽一样)。 stunned or confused and slow to react (as from blows or drunkenness or exhaustion).
- 我对青霉素有过敏反应。 I have an allergy to penicillin.
- 这种反应物质侵蚀长石和音色矿物。 This reagent attacks feldspars and dark minerals.
- 如果服务器经历过负荷,因此,反应慢,用户体验的贬低。 If the server undergoes an excessive load, and thus responds slowly, the user experience degrades.
- 慢反应 long response
- 鸡蛋蛋白比蛋黄更易引起过敏反应蛋黄中的主要过敏原。 Egg white proteins are reported to elicit allergic reactions more frequently than egg yolk.