- 计算机X线断层造影 computerized X-ray axial tomogram
- 计算机X线断层照像术 Computed tomography
- 计算机X射线断层造影 computer tomography
- 三维计算机X线断层照像术 three- dimensional computed tomography
- 计算机X射线断层造影术 CT
- 计算机X线断层涎管造影术 CT sialography
- 断层成像,层析X线摄影法,X线体层摄影,X线断层成像,X线断层(术) tomography
- 计算机放射摄影术,计算机X线摄影术 computed radiography(CR)
- 断层成像,层析X线摄影法,X线体层摄影(术), X线断层成像(术), X线断层(术) tomography
- 在过去的几年里,又有另外两种成像技术加人到计算机X射线断层造影术和核磁共振成像行列中来。 In the past several years, two other imaging techniques have joined CT and MRI.
- 计算机放射摄影(术), 计算机X线摄影(术) computed radiography(CR)
- X线断层成像 computed tomography
- 计算机X线摄影 computed radiography(CR)
- 通过从不同的角度拍摄一系列X光照片,有时甚至超过1000张,计算机X射线断层造影术能建立起人体任何部分的三维图像。 By taking a series of X-rays,sometimes more than a thousand,from various angles and then combining them with a computer,CT made it possible to build up a three-dimensional image of any part of the body.
- 计算机X线摄影术 computed radiography; CR
- 电子计算X线断层照相术及涎腺造影术 computed tomography and sialography
- 计算机X线层扫描术 computer tomography
- X线断层显像术 Tomography
- 计算机X射线断层造影术扫描是医学诊断上的一次革命,它使医生可以检查到脑伤是否引起脑内出血,或者了解癌症病人肿瘤的形状和范围。 The CT scan revolutionized medical diagnosis,allowing doctors,for instance,to see if a head injury had produced any bleeding in the brain or to make out the shape and extent of tumors in cancer patients.
- 计算机X线密度测量 computed X-ray densitometry; CDX