- 计算机X线密度测量 computed X-ray densitometry; CDX
- 计算机X线片骨放射密度法在蛋鸡骨质疏松症研究中的应用 Application of the bone radiography density method with computer-assisted X-ray film to osteoporosis research in hens
- 计算机X线片放射密度法 Bone radiography density method with computer- assisted X- my film
- 在线 in-line
- 在线密度测量 Online density measuring
- 计算机X线摄像 computed radiography
- 双能量X线骨质密度测量仪监测小儿下肢骨延长骨矿物质的变化 Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry monitor bone mineralization in lower limb lengthening of children
- 计算机放射摄影术,计算机X线摄影术 computed radiography(CR)
- 双能X线吸收法与生物电阻抗法测量儿童身体成分结果比较 Comparison Between Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis and Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry in Chidren's Body Composition Measurement
- 计算机放射摄影(术), 计算机X线摄影(术) computed radiography(CR)
- 术前X线测量 preoperative X-ray measurement
- 计算机X线摄影 computed radiography(CR)
- 种植前X线放大率的测量 Measurement of X-ray Magnifying Power Before Implant
- 计算机X线摄影术 computed radiography; CR
- 光密度测定法,X线 Densitometry X-ray
- 计算机X线层扫描术 computer tomography
- 正常成人右肺门的X线测量 The X-ray measurement of right hilus pulmonis in normal adults
- 计算机X线断层成像 CR(computed radiography)
- 计算机X线断层扫描 CR scanning
- 计算机X线断层摄影 computer tomography