- 荧光X线照相装置 photofluorographic unit; photoroentgen
- 荧光X线照相 photoradiography; photoroentgenogram
- 荧光X线照相的 fluorographic
- X线断层照相装置 tomographic X-ray unit
- 荧光X线照相术 fluororoentgenography
- X线记波照相装置 roentgenokymograph
- 荧光X线片,间接X线摄影片,荧光图 photofluorogram
- 活动分期是根据x线照相的变化和细菌学调查结果而确定的。 The stages of activity are defined by roentgenographic changes and bacteriologic findings.
- 荧光X线片,间接X线摄影(照)片,荧光图 photofluorogram
- 连续(X线)照相装置 serial radiographic apparatus; serialograph
- 荧光X线照片,间接X线摄影照片,荧光图 photofluorogram
- 乳房X线照相 mammography
- 荧光X线照片,间接X线摄影(照)片,荧光图 photofluorogram
- 乳腺X线照相 mammography
- 移动式荧光X线摄影机,移动式间接X线摄影机 mobile fluorographic unit
- 荧光X线(照)片,间接X线摄影(照)片,荧光图 photofluorogram
- 阴道X结造影(术), 阴道X线照相(术) vaginography
- 荧光X线片 photofluorogram
- 迂体输卵管x线照相术 stereosalpingography
- 荧光X线摄影 abreuography; fluororoentgenography; photofluorography; photoroentgenography