- 乳房X线照相 mammography
- 乳房X线照相术 mammography
- 乳房X线照相术系统 mammography system
- 乳房X线照片用乳房X线测定法拍成的X光照片 An x - ray image of the breast produced by mammography.
- 可现在自己的“一级近亲”患病,意味着她的危险增大了。现年73岁的琼立即安排了已推延多年的乳房X线照相,并定期做自我乳房检查。 But now that she had one of those "first-degree relatives" that means her own risk is greater,Joan,73,quickly scheduled the mammogram she'd put off for years and began doing regular breast self- exams.
- 乳房X线照片 mastogram
- 活动分期是根据x线照相的变化和细菌学调查结果而确定的。 The stages of activity are defined by roentgenographic changes and bacteriologic findings.
- 乳房X线摄影机 mammographic x-ray unit
- 阴道X结造影(术), 阴道X线照相(术) vaginography
- 乳房X线摄影实质影像 mammographic parenchymal pattern
- 荧光照相术,荧光屏摄影,间接X线照相法 fluorography
- 系列摄影,连续X线摄影术,连续X线照相(术) serialgraphy
- 乳房X线片 mastogram
- 系列摄影术,连续X线摄影,连续X线照相(术) serialgraphy
- 乳房X线造影 mammography
- 荧光照相术,荧光屏摄影(术), 间接X线照相法 fluorography
- 乳房X线摄影 mastography
- 系列摄影术,连续X线摄影(术), 连续X线照相(术) serialgraphy
- 乳房X线照像 mammography
- X线照相 scotogram; scotograph; skiagraph shadowgraph; X-raying