- 肺CT Lung CT
- 肺 lung
- 肺的 pulmonic
- 夫妻肺片 Pork Lungs in Chili Sauce
- 心肺 heart and lungs
- 撕心裂肺 grieved
- 没心没肺 simple-minded
- 心肺复苏 cardio-pulmonary resuscitation
- CT肺穿刺 CT - guided fine needle aspiration
- 肺栓塞 pulmonary embolism
- 润肺 moistening lung
- 肺功能 pulmonary function
- 心肺功能 cardio-pulmonary function
- 多层螺旋CT三维肺血管重建在肺血管相关疾病中的临床应用 Clinical Application of Three-dimensional Reconstruction of Multi - slice Spiral CT in Pulmonary Vessels in Chest Diseases Related to Pulmonary Vessels
- 3cm以下肺内球形病灶瘤-肺界面CT-病理对照(附50例分析) CT-pathologic Correlation of Tumor-lung Interface in Pulmonary Global Lesions 3 cm or less (Analysis of 50 Cases)
- 肺结节CT研究 CT Study of Pulmonary Nodule
- 肺隔离症的CT诊断 CT Diagnosis of Pulmonary Sequestration
- 螺旋CT肺血管造影 computed tomographic pulmonary angiography (CTPA)
- CT引导经皮肺穿刺 CT-guided percutaneons pneumocentesis
- 肺隐球菌病的CT表现 CT appearance of pulmonary cryptococcosis