- 新生儿颅脑正常CT表现 Normal CT Appearance of Cerebral Cranium in Neonate
- 正常CT解剖袖珍图谱 Pocket atlas of normal CT anatomy
- 正常 ordinary
- 头和脑正常CT解剖袖珍图谱 Pocket Atias of Normal CT Anatomy of the Head and Brain: Second Edition
- 颅脑肿瘤术后残腔CT表现 The CT Appearance of Residual Cavity in the Postoperative Brain Tumor
- 正常的 natural
- 不正常 abnormal
- 高危新生儿头颅CT表现(附41例分析) Head CT features of high-risk newborn infants
- 恢复正常 get right
- 正常工作 normal operation
- 不正常的 deviant
- 骨原发性非何杰金氏淋巴瘤X线与CT表现探讨(附8例报告) X-ray and CT Diagnosis of Primary Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma of the Bone ( A Report of 8 Cases)
- 正常运行 good running
- 正常地 in the course of nature
- 目的:分析神经元移行异常所引起的脑回发育畸形的CT表现。 Purpose: To analyse CT manifestations of gyral malformations of neuronal migrationl anomaly.
- 正常状态 order
- 正常使用 regular service
- 髂腰肌囊扩张的CT表现及鉴别 CT Feature and Identification of Enlarged Iliopsoas Bursa
- 正常情况 normal condition (state)
- 正常运转 working order