- 影响炉水pH值因素的析因试验研究 Study of Factorial Experiment on pH Value in Boiler Water
- 炉水pH值 Boiler water pH value
- 出水pH值 pH value of treated water
- 水 water
- 值 value
- 2001年度全国将水pH值分布 Location of the pH Value of Precipitation in the Whole country in 2001
- 炉 stove
- 超值 overflow
- 低传导率水pH值测量的试验方法 Standard Test Methods for pH Measurement of Water of Low Conductivity
- 舰船锅炉炉水水处理聚合物实验研究 Experimental research on the polymeric scale inhibitor dispersing agent for marine boiler water treatment
- 艾萨炉水模拟气量与混合均匀时间研究 Study on Hydraulic Modeling of the Airflow Rate and Uniform Mixing Time for ISA Smelting Process
- 复合非水pH玻璃电极 complicate non-water pH electrode
- 锅炉长期停运后炉水循环泵保护措施的探讨 Discussion on Protection Measures of Boiler Water Circulating Pumps During Chronically Shutting Down of the Boiler
- 尿pH值 Urinary pH
- 房水pH值 pH of aqueous
- 磷酸盐处理技术在汽包锅炉炉水调节中的应用与发展 Development and Application of Phosphate Treatment Technology Used in Boiler Water Adjusting in Drum Boiler
- 机械通气患者胃液SIgA含量、pH值与胃内细菌定植的关系 Study on relationship between SIgA level, pH value of gastric fluid and bacterial colonization in stomach in patients receiving mechanical ventilation
- 炉水 boiler water
- 食糜pH值 Chyme pH
- 煮炉水 stove water