- 房水pH值 pH of aqueous
- 出水pH值 pH value of treated water
- 2001年度全国将水pH值分布 Location of the pH Value of Precipitation in the Whole country in 2001
- 水 water
- 房 house
- 值 value
- 低传导率水pH值测量的试验方法 Standard Test Methods for pH Measurement of Water of Low Conductivity
- 房水 aqueous humor
- 影响炉水pH值因素的析因试验研究 Study of Factorial Experiment on pH Value in Boiler Water
- 术后并发症有轻度房水闪光(17/17)及少量前房积血(6/17)。 The complications included anterior chamber Tyndall phenomenon(17/17) and anterior chamber hemorrhage(6/17).
- 复合非水pH玻璃电极 complicate non-water pH electrode
- 房水的 hydatoid
- 亚临界炉锅水pH降低原因分析及预防对策 An Analysis of the Causes of Boiler Water pH Value Reduction in a Subcritical Pressure Boiler and Some Measures Taken for Its Prevention
- 房水眼 aqueous humo(u)r
- 石灰软化水pH值对冷却水系统铜管腐蚀结垢的影响 Effects of pH Values of Lime-Softened Water on Corrosion and Scaling of Copper Tubes in Cooling Water System
- 兔房水 rabbit aqueous humor
- 眼房水 aqueous humor
- 炉水pH值 Boiler water pH value
- 房水细胞 aqueous cell
- 进水pH值 pH value of the influent